Producer & Curator, Anthony Madonna

Full of Noises: A Village Soundwalk

Through our walking feet we can listen for traces of previous walkers, for stories from the earth, for echoes of history, and for our own memories. The essence of a place is revealed to the feet that move through it and listen. 

Full of Noises is a self-guided soundwalk for the Village of East Hampton that leads the public through known spaces with new, heightened, and playful listening. Composed and narrated by sound artist, Viv CorringhamFull of Noises links the cultural gifts of Mary Woodhouse – Guild Hall, The Duck Pond, and Clinton Academy–, with prompts for finding, imagining, and remembering sounds. 

The soundwalk is available to the public through the Guild Hall website and Gesso app. from April - October 2021.


Student Art Festival 2021: Past-Present-Future